


AuthorCommitMessageCommit Date
Leon ArberLeon Arber
a0cec096995Purpose: Bug fix Description: compilers on some platforms complain about printf being declared implicity. Solution: printf is defined in stdio.h. #include'd it. Platforms tested: heping and MCR Misc. update:
Leon ArberLeon Arber
2bfc74c743dPurpose: Bug Fix Description: mpich 1.2.4 does not properly implement the MPI_STATUS_IGNORE argument. It is treated as a NULL and this causes some functions to segfault when they attempt to write status information to this NULL address. Solution: Replaced the MPI_STATUS_IGNORE arguments with an MPI_Status variable into which status information can be safely written. Platforms tested: eirene (mpich 1.2.4, this bug has been fixed in mpich 1.2.6). Misc. update:
Auto BotAuto Bot
b5d91995549Purpose: Add derived data type test. Description: Solution: Platforms tested: Misc. update:
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
b8af3a0fbc1Purpose: An simple C++ sample program.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
1d50f4c3367Initial version.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
485d1a81229Fixed it to use the INCLUDE instead of USE statement because that is what HDF5 test examples use. Also change the filename to create file in the local directory instead of /tmp.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
f80003e1581Purpose: Initial version Description: MPI-IO Test: One writes, Many reads. Verify if only one process writes some data and then all other processes can read them back correctly. This tests if the underlaying parallel I/O and file system supports parallel I/O correctly. Platforms tested: Teragrid-NCSA.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
32e064dcb93Description: The initial version did not have any unique F90 feature. Any F77 compiler could have compiled it fine. Added real F90 feature. Platforms tested: Just tested by the pgf90 compiler in Eirene.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
40e777f7ed9Added a Sample PHDF5 Fortran program. Copied from the Tutorial example. Platforms tested: Test compiled it once in Teragrid.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
688cf940e2dPurpose: Fixing some syntax warning Description: Replace TAB with spaces just to pacify some compilers from whinning about it. Platforms tested: Tested in TG-NCSA where the f90 whinned about it.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
92900985132Purpose: changed the default filename to be in the local directory. Platforms tested: modi4 and eirene.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
4fc9d0c4959Purpose: new features. Description: added writing data, reading them back and verify correctness. Platforms tested: Eirene.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
62716bc4d0ePurpose: Bug fix Description: Sample_mpi.c: has an unnecessary MPI_File declaration. Sample_mpio.c: should #incldue <mpio.h> if needed. Platforms tested: Tflops which has a little more picky MPI implementation that exposed the above problems.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
bc7ae3a3778Purpose: New HDF4 C and F77 sample programs. Copied from the HDF4 Tutorial. Platforms tested: Copper (the new IBM p690 machine).
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
da58042a216Added printing of hostname to see where processes are run. Added more comments too.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
61d1fd76706Got rid of unused filename variable. Added comments about doing hostname.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
e8a7d195bf6Description: Added some messages saying what it attempts to do and report it succeeded or failed. Platforms tested: eirene and modi4
Bill WendlingBill Wendling
46e6de5ad2fPurpose: Addition Description: The GPFS Performance test. Shows how to use GPFS data shipping hints to do performance testing...
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
5eecc703129This is a little gem that Quincey passed to me. It figures out all those machine characteristics in data representations--sizes of int, float; floating number representations; endianess;... Very useful when you try to port HDF software to a new machine.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
f70c53e4455This contains simple example programs. They usually invoke only the basic features standard in their corresponding language or library. They can be used to test if the compiler or library is working properly. For example, a fortran 77 compiler will not be able to compile th Sample_f.f90 program but a fortran 90 compiler should. Likewise, an MPI library without MPI-IO support, can compile the Sample_mpi.c correctly but not the Sample_mpio.c program.
(no author)(no author)
5fc4881efe7New repository initialized by cvs2svn.