err = PIOc_writemap_from_f90(trim(file)//C_NULL_CHAR, ndims, gdims, int(size(dof),C_SIZE_T), dof, comm)
!! @brief internal code for compiler workarounds, aborts and debug functions
include 'mpif.h' ! _EXTERNAL
logical, public :: Debug=.FALSE.
logical, public :: DebugIO=.FALSE.
logical, public :: DebugAsync=.FALSE.
integer,private,parameter :: versno = 1001
character(len=*), parameter :: modName='pio_support'
!! @brief Remove null termination (C-style) from strings for Fortran.
subroutine replace_c_null(istr)
use iso_c_binding, only : C_NULL_CHAR
character(len=*),intent(inout) :: istr
if(istr(i:i) == C_NULL_CHAR) exit
end subroutine replace_c_null
!! @brief Abort the model for abnormal termination.
!! @param file : File where piodie is called from.
!! @param line : Line number where it is called.
!! @param msg,msg2,msg3,ival1,ival2,ival3,mpirank : Optional argument for error messages.