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\mainpage Parallel I/O library (PIO)
\author Mariana Vertenstein
The Parallel I/O (PIO) library has been developed over several years
to improve the ability of component models of the Community Earth
System Model (CESM) to perform I/O. We believe that the interface is
sufficiently general to be useful to a broader spectrum of
applications. The focus of development has been on backend tools that
use the NetCDF file format. PIO currently supports NetCDF and PnetCDF
as backend libraries, both can be linked and used with runtime options
controlling which is used for a given file.
PIO2 represents a significant rewrite of the PIO library and includes
a C API as well as the original F90 API. A new decomposition strategy
has been introduced which gives the user more ability to tune io communications.
This user's guide provides information about the PIO library and examples on how it can be used.
Please review the ChangeLog that is included with the distribution for up-to-date release information.