#if defined(BGQDONT)
#include <pio.h>
#include <pio_internal.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <kernel/process.h>
#include <kernel/location.h>
#include <firmware/include/personality.h>
#include <mpix.h>
#define   Personality                    Personality_t
int rank;
int np;
int my_name_len;
char my_name[255];
void identity(const MPI_Comm comm, int *iotask)
  MPIX_Hardware_t hw;
  char message[100];
   /* Number of MPI tasks per Pset */
   int coreId;
   int *TasksPerPset;
   int *tmp;
   int i,ierr;
   Personality_t pers;
   MPI_Get_processor_name(my_name, &my_name_len);
   Kernel_GetPersonality(&pers, sizeof(pers));
   int numIONodes,numPsets,numNodesInPset,rankInPset;
   int numpsets, psetID, psetsize, psetrank;
   bgq_pset_info (comm, &numpsets, &psetID, &psetsize, &psetrank);
   numIONodes = numpsets; 
   numNodesInPset = psetsize; 
   rankInPset = rank; 
   numPsets = numpsets; 
   if(rank == 0) { printf("number of IO nodes in block: %i \n",numIONodes);}
   if(rank == 0) { printf("number of Psets in block : %i \n",numPsets);}
   if(rank == 0) { printf("number of compute nodes in Pset: %i \n",numNodesInPset);}
   int psetNum;
   psetNum = psetID;
#ifdef DEBUG
   if((*iotask)>0) {
      printf( "%04i (%-50s %s) %i yes\n", rank, my_name, message, psetNum );
   } else {
      printf( "%04i (%-50s %s) %i --\n", rank, my_name, message, psetNum);
   printf("MPI task %6i is rank %3i in Pset: %3i \n",rank, rankInPset,psetNum);
  /* Determine which core on node....  I don't want to put more than one io-task per node */
   coreId = Kernel_PhysicalProcessorID ();
   TasksPerPset = malloc(numPsets*sizeof(int));
   tmp = malloc(numPsets*sizeof(int));
   for(i=0;i<numPsets;i++) tmp[i]=0;
   if(coreId == 0) {tmp[psetNum]=1;}
   ierr = MPI_Allreduce(tmp,TasksPerPset,numPsets,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,comm);
   if(rank == 0) {
     for(i=0;i<numPsets;i++) {printf("Pset: %3i has %3i nodes \n",i,TasksPerPset[i]);}
void determineiotasks(const MPI_Comm comm, int *numiotasks,int *base, int *stride, int *rearr, 
              bool *iamIOtask)
     Returns the correct numiotasks and the flag iamIOtask
     Some concepts:
     processor set:     A group of processors on the Blue Gene system which have 
                        one or more IO processor (Pset)
     IO-node:           A special Blue Gene node dedicated to performing IO.  There 
                        are one or more per processor set
     IO-client:         This is software concept.  This refers to the MPI task 
                        which performs IO for the PIO library 
   int psetNum;                                 
   int coreId;
   int iam;
   int task_count;
   MPIX_Hardware_t hw;
   /*  Get the personality  */
   Personality_t pers;
   MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
   MPI_Comm_size(comm, &np);
   MPI_Get_processor_name(my_name, &my_name_len);
   /* printf("Determine io tasks: proc %i: tasks= %i numiotasks=%i stride= %i \n", rank, np, (*numiotasks), (*stride)); */
   if((*rearr) > 0) {
    Kernel_GetPersonality(&pers, sizeof(pers));
     int numIONodes,numPsets,numNodesInPset,rankInPset;
     int numiotasks_per_node,remainder,numIONodes_per_pset;
     int lstride;
     /* Number of computational nodes in processor set */
     int numpsets, psetID, psetsize, psetrank;
    bgq_pset_info (comm,&numpsets, &psetID, &psetsize, &psetrank);
     numIONodes = numpsets; 
     numNodesInPset = psetsize;
     /*     printf("Determine io tasks: me %i : nodes in pset= %i ionodes = %i\n", rank, numNodesInPset, numIONodes); */
     if((*numiotasks) < 0 ) { 
       /* negative numiotasks value indicates that this is the number per IO-node */
       (*numiotasks) = - (*numiotasks);
       if((*numiotasks) > numNodesInPset) {
     numiotasks_per_node = numNodesInPset;
       } else  {
     numiotasks_per_node = (*numiotasks);
       remainder = 0;
     } else if ((*numiotasks) > 0 ) {
       /* balance the number of iotasks to number of IO nodes */
       numiotasks_per_node = floor((float)(*numiotasks)/ (float) numIONodes);
       /* put a minumum here so that we have a chance  - though this may be too low */
       if (numiotasks_per_node < 1) {
          numiotasks_per_node = 1;
           *numiotasks = numIONodes;
       remainder = (*numiotasks) - numiotasks_per_node * numIONodes;
     } else if ((*numiotasks) == 0 ) {
       if((*stride) > 0) {
     numiotasks_per_node = numNodesInPset/(*stride);
     if (numiotasks_per_node < 1) {
         numiotasks_per_node = 1;
         *numiotasks = numIONodes;
       } else {
     numiotasks_per_node = 8;  /* default number of IO-client per IO-node is not otherwise specificied */
       remainder = 0;
     /* number of IO nodes with a larger number of io-client per io-node */
     if(remainder > 0) {
       if(rank ==0) {printf("Unbalanced IO-configuration: %i IO-nodes have %i IO-clients : %i IO-nodes have %i IO-clients \n",
                remainder, numiotasks_per_node+1, numIONodes-remainder,numiotasks_per_node);}
      lstride = min(np,floor((float)numNodesInPset/(float)(numiotasks_per_node+1)));
     } else {
       if(rank == 0) {
     printf("Balanced IO-configuration: %i IO-nodes have %i IO-clients\n",numIONodes-remainder, numiotasks_per_node);
       lstride = min(np,floor((float)numNodesInPset/(float)numiotasks_per_node));
     /* Number of processor sets */
     numPsets = numpsets; 
     /* number of IO nodes in processor set (I need to add
    code to deal with the case where numIONodes_per_pset != 1 works 
    correctly) */
     numIONodes_per_pset = numIONodes/numPsets;
     /* Determine which core on node....  I don't want to put more than one io-task per node */
     coreId = Kernel_PhysicalProcessorID ();
     /* What is the rank of this node in the processor set */
     psetNum = psetID;
     rankInPset = psetrank;
     /* printf("Pset #: %i has %i nodes in Pset; base = %i\n",psetNum,numNodesInPset, *base); */
     (*iamIOtask) = false;   /* initialize to zero */
     if (numiotasks_per_node == numNodesInPset)(*base) = 0;  /* Reset the base to 0 if we are using all tasks */
     /* start stridding MPI tasks from base task */ 
     iam = max(0,rankInPset-(*base));
     if (iam >= 0)  {
       /* mark tasks that will be IO-tasks  or IO-clients */
       /*    printf("iam = %d lstride = %d coreID = %d\n",iam,lstride,coreId); */
       if((iam % lstride == 0) && (coreId == 0) ) {  /* only io tasks indicated by stride and coreId = 0 */
     if((iam/lstride) < numiotasks_per_node) { 
       /* only set the first (numiotasks_per_node - 1) tasks */
       (*iamIOtask) = true;
     } else if ((iam/lstride) == numiotasks_per_node) {
       /*  If there is an uneven number of io-clients to io-nodes 
           allocate the first remainder - 1 processor sets to 
           have a total of numiotasks_per_node */
       if(psetNum < remainder) {(*iamIOtask) = true;
       /*       printf("comm = %d iam = %d lstride = %d coreID = %d iamIOtask = %i \n",comm, iam,lstride,coreId,(*iamIOtask)); */
       /* We are not doing rearrangement.... so all tasks are io-tasks */
       (*iamIOtask) = true;
   /*printf("comm = %d myrank = %i iotask = %i \n", comm, rank, (*iamIOtask));*/ 
   /* now we need to correctly determine the numiotasks */
   MPI_Allreduce(iamIOtask, &task_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm);
   (*numiotasks) = task_count;
int bgq_ion_id (void)
  int iA,  iB,  iC,  iD,  iE;                /* The local node's coordinates  */
  int nA,  nB,  nC,  nD,  nE;                /* Size of each torus dimension  */
  int brA, brB, brC, brD, brE;               /* The bridge node's coordinates */
  int io_node_route_id;
  Personality_t personality;
  Kernel_GetPersonality(&personality, sizeof(personality));
  iA  = personality.Network_Config.Acoord;
  iB  = personality.Network_Config.Bcoord;
  iC  = personality.Network_Config.Ccoord;
  iD  = personality.Network_Config.Dcoord;
  iE  = personality.Network_Config.Ecoord;
  nA  = personality.Network_Config.Anodes;
  nB  = personality.Network_Config.Bnodes;
  nC  = personality.Network_Config.Cnodes;
  nD  = personality.Network_Config.Dnodes;
  nE  = personality.Network_Config.Enodes;
  brA = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_A;
  brB = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_B;
  brC = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_C;
  brD = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_D;
  brE = personality.Network_Config.cnBridge_E;
* This is the bridge node, numbered in ABCDE order, E increments first.
* It is considered the unique "io node route identifer" because each
* bridge node only has one torus link to one io node.
  io_node_route_id = brE + brD*nE + brC*nD*nE + brB*nC*nD*nE + brA*nB*nC*nD*nE;
  return io_node_route_id;
int bgq_pset_info (MPI_Comm comm, int* tot_pset, int* psetID, int* pset_size, int* rank_in_pset)
  MPI_Comm comp_comm, pset_comm, bridge_comm;
  int comp_rank, status, key, bridge_root, tot_bridges, cur_pset, itr, t_buf;
  int temp_id, rem_psets;
  MPI_Status mpi_status;
  MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &comp_rank);
  status = MPI_Comm_dup ( comm, &comp_comm);
  if ( MPI_SUCCESS != status)
      printf(" Error duplicating communicator \n");
      MPI_Abort(comm, status);
  // Compute the ION BridgeNode ID
  key = bgq_ion_id ();
  // Create the pset_comm per bridge node
  status = MPI_Comm_split ( comp_comm, key, comp_rank, &pset_comm);
  if ( MPI_SUCCESS != status)
      printf(" Error splitting communicator \n");
      MPI_Abort(comm, status);
  // Calculate the rank in pset and pset size
  MPI_Comm_rank (pset_comm, rank_in_pset);
  MPI_Comm_size (pset_comm, pset_size);
  // Create the Bridge root nodes communicator
  bridge_root = 0;
  if (0 == *rank_in_pset)
    bridge_root = 1;
  // Calculate the total number of bridge nodes / psets
  tot_bridges = 0;
  MPI_Allreduce (&bridge_root, &tot_bridges, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm);
  *tot_pset = tot_bridges;
  // Calculate the Pset ID
  cur_pset = 0;
  rem_psets = tot_bridges;
  if ((0 == comp_rank) && (bridge_root ==1))
      *psetID = 0;
      rem_psets = tot_bridges-1;
  t_buf = 0; // Dummy value
  if (0 == comp_rank)
      for (itr = 0; itr < rem_psets; itr++)
      MPI_Recv (&t_buf,1, MPI_INT,  MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG,comm, &mpi_status);
      MPI_Send (&cur_pset, 1, MPI_INT, mpi_status.MPI_SOURCE, 0, comm);
  if ((1 == bridge_root) && ( 0 != comp_rank))
      MPI_Send (&t_buf, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);
      MPI_Recv (&temp_id,1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm, &mpi_status);
      *psetID = temp_id;
      /*printf (" Pset ID is %d \n", *psetID);*/
  // Broadcast the PSET ID to all ranks in the psetcomm
  MPI_Bcast ( psetID, 1, MPI_INT, 0, pset_comm);
  // Free the split comm
  MPI_Comm_free (&pset_comm);
  MPI_Barrier (comm);
  return 0;