         use iso_c_binding
         integer(C_INT), intent(in), value :: iosysid
         logical(C_BOOL), intent(out) :: iotask
       end function PIOc_iam_iotask
    end interface
    ierr = PIOc_iam_iotask(iosystem%iosysid, ctask)
    task = ctask
  end function pio_iam_iotask
!! @public
!! @brief Integer function returns rank of IO task.
  function pio_iotask_rank(iosystem) result(rank)
    type(iosystem_desc_t), intent(in) :: iosystem
    integer :: rank, ierr
       integer(C_INT) function PIOc_iotask_rank(iosysid, rank) &
         use iso_c_binding
         integer(C_INT), intent(in), value :: iosysid
         integer(C_INT), intent(out) :: rank
       end function PIOc_iotask_rank
    end interface
    ierr = PIOc_iotask_rank(iosystem%iosysid, rank)
  end function pio_iotask_rank
!! @public
!! @brief Sets active to true if IO system is active.
  subroutine pio_iosystem_is_active(iosystem, active)
    use iso_c_binding
    type(iosystem_desc_t), intent(in) :: iosystem
    logical, intent(out) :: active
    logical(C_BOOL) :: lactive
    integer :: ierr
       integer(C_INT) function PIOc_iosystem_is_active(iosysid, active) &
         use iso_c_binding
         integer(C_INT), intent(in), value :: iosysid
         logical(C_BOOL), intent(out) :: active
       end function PIOc_iosystem_is_active
    end interface
    ierr = PIOc_iosystem_is_active(iosystem%iosysid, lactive)
    active = lactive
  end subroutine pio_iosystem_is_active
end module pio