## (Use double hashes for copyright notice so that automake treats it as
## comments and does not pass it to Makefile.in)
## Copyright by The HDF Group.
## Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
## This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
## terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
## the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code
## distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases.
## If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from
## Textually included near the end of HDF5 Makefiles in example directories.
## Contains boilerplate for building, installing, and cleaning example
# We can't tell automake about example programs, because they need to be
# built using h5cc (or h5fc, etc.) instead of the standard compilers.
# This creates some extra work for us.
## The Makefile.am that includes this boilerplate needs to define the
## We assume that all test programs in this directory are examples.
## The source files that the examples use which should be installed.
## The directory into which examples should be installed.
## Build rules for $(EXTRA_PROG).
## Dependencies for example programs.
## Automake will supply neither of these.
# Assume that all tests in this directory are examples, and tell
# conclude.am when to build them.
# We need to tell automake what to clean
MOSTLYCLEANFILES=*.raw *.meta *.o
# How to create EXAMPLEDIR if it doesn't already exist
-$(top_srcdir)/bin/mkdirs $@
-$(top_srcdir)/bin/mkdirs $@
# Install and uninstall rules. We install the source files, not the
# example programs themselves.
@$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-examples
@$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall-examples
install-examples: $(EXAMPLEDIR) $(INSTALL_FILES)
@for f in X $(INSTALL_FILES); do \
(set -x; $(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/$$f $(EXAMPLEDIR)/. || exit 1); \
chmod a-x $(EXAMPLEDIR)/$$f; \
@for f in X $(INSTALL_SCRIPT_FILES); do \
(set -x; $(INSTALL) $$f $(EXAMPLEDIR)/. || exit 1);\
@for f in X $(INSTALL_TOP_FILES); do \
(set -x; $(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/$$f $(EXAMPLETOPDIR)/. || exit 1); \
chmod a-x $(EXAMPLETOPDIR)/$$f;\
@for f in X $(INSTALL_TOP_SCRIPT_FILES); do \
(set -x; $(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/$$f $(EXAMPLETOPDIR)/. || exit 1); \
@if test -n "$(INSTALL_FILES)" -a -d $(EXAMPLEDIR); then \
set -x; cd $(EXAMPLEDIR) && $(RM) $(INSTALL_FILES); \
@if test -n "$(INSTALL_SCRIPT_FILES)" -a -d $(EXAMPLEDIR); then \
set -x; cd $(EXAMPLEDIR) && $(RM) $(INSTALL_SCRIPT_FILES); \
@if test -n "$(INSTALL_TOP_FILES)" -a -d $(EXAMPLETOPDIR); then \
set -x; cd $(EXAMPLETOPDIR) && $(RM) $(INSTALL_TOP_FILES); \
@if test -n "$(INSTALL_TOP_SCRIPT_FILES)" -a -d $(EXAMPLETOPDIR); then \
@if test "$(STATIC_SHARED)" = "static, shared"; then \
H5CCFLAGS="-shlib" $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check; \
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) clean; \
elif test "$(STATIC_SHARED)" = "shared"; then \
H5CCFLAGS="-shlib" $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check; \
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check; \
@if test "$(INSTALL_FILES)" -a $(TEST_EXAMPLES_SCRIPT) -a -d $(EXAMPLEDIR); then \
echo "============================"; \
echo "Testing $(TEST_EXAMPLES_SCRIPT)"; \
echo "============================"; \
/bin/sh ./$(TEST_EXAMPLES_SCRIPT);) \