! *********************************************************** ! ! this example shows how to set the space allocation time ! for a dataset. the program first creates two datasets, ! one with the default allocation time (late) and one with ! early allocation time, and displays whether each has been ! allocated and their allocation size. next, it writes data ! to the datasets, and again displays whether each has been ! allocated and their allocation size. ! ! this file is intended for use with hdf5 library verion 1.8 ! ! *********************************************************** PROGRAM main USE HDF5 IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=15), PARAMETER :: filename = "h5ex_d_alloc.h5" CHARACTER(LEN=3) , PARAMETER :: dataset1 = "DS1" CHARACTER(LEN=3) , PARAMETER :: dataset2 = "DS2" INTEGER , PARAMETER :: dim0 = 4 INTEGER , PARAMETER :: dim1 = 7 INTEGER , PARAMETER :: fillval = 99 INTEGER , PARAMETER :: rank = 2 INTEGER :: space_status INTEGER :: i, j INTEGER :: hdferr INTEGER(HID_T) :: file, space, dset1, dset2, dcpl ! handles INTEGER(HSIZE_T) :: storage_size INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1:2) :: dims = (/dim0, dim1/) ! size write buffer INTEGER , DIMENSION(1:dim0,1:dim1) :: wdata ! write buffer ! ! Initialize FORTRAN interface. ! CALL h5open_f(hdferr) ! ! Initialize data. ! DO i = 1, dim0 DO j = 1, dim1 wdata(i,j) = i*j-j ENDDO ENDDO ! ! Create a new file using the default properties. ! CALL h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file, hdferr) ! ! Create dataspace. ! CALL h5screate_simple_f(rank, dims, space, hdferr) ! ! Create the dataset creation property list, and set the chunk size. ! CALL h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, dcpl, hdferr) ! ! Set the allocation time to "early". This way we can be sure ! that reading from the dataset immediately after creation will ! return the fill value. ! CALL h5pset_alloc_time_f(dcpl, H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY_F,hdferr) ! WRITE(*,'(/,"Creating datasets...",/)') WRITE(*,'(A," has allocation time H5D_ALLOC_TIME_LATE_F")') dataset1 WRITE(*,'(A," has allocation time H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY_F"/)') dataset2 ! ! Create the dataset using the dataset creation property list. ! CALL h5dcreate_f(file, dataset1, H5T_STD_I32LE, space, dset1, hdferr) CALL h5dcreate_f(file, dataset2, H5T_STD_I32LE, space, dset2, hdferr, dcpl) ! ! Retrieve and print space status and storage size for dset1. ! storage_size = 0 CALL h5dget_space_status_f(dset1, space_status, hdferr) CALL h5dget_storage_size_f(dset1, storage_size, hdferr) ! IF(space_status.EQ.H5D_SPACE_STS_ALLOCATED_F)THEN WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has been allocated.")') dataset1 ELSE WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has not been allocated.")') dataset1 END IF WRITE(*,'("Storage size for ",A," is: ",I3," bytes.")') dataset1, storage_size ! ! Retrieve and print space status and storage size for dset2. ! CALL h5dget_space_status_f(dset2, space_status, hdferr) CALL h5dget_storage_size_f(dset2, storage_size, hdferr) ! IF(space_status.EQ.H5D_SPACE_STS_ALLOCATED_F)THEN WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has been allocated.")') dataset2 ELSE WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has not been allocated.")') dataset2 END IF WRITE(*,'("Storage size for ",A," is: ",I3," bytes.")') dataset2, storage_size ! WRITE(*,'(/,"Writing data...",/)') ! ! Write the data to the datasets. ! CALL h5dwrite_f(dset1, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, wdata, dims, hdferr) CALL h5dwrite_f(dset2, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, wdata, dims, hdferr) ! ! Retrieve and print space status and storage size for dset1. ! CALL h5dget_space_status_f(dset1, space_status, hdferr) CALL h5dget_storage_size_f(dset1, storage_size, hdferr) ! IF(space_status.EQ.H5D_SPACE_STS_ALLOCATED_F)THEN WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has been allocated.")') dataset1 ELSE WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has not been allocated.")') dataset1 END IF WRITE(*,'("Storage size for ",A," is: ",I3," bytes.")') dataset1, storage_size ! ! Retrieve and print space status and storage size for dset2. ! CALL h5dget_space_status_f(dset2, space_status, hdferr) CALL h5dget_storage_size_f(dset2, storage_size, hdferr) ! IF(space_status.EQ.H5D_SPACE_STS_ALLOCATED_F)THEN WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has been allocated.")') dataset2 ELSE WRITE(*,'("Space for ",A," has not been allocated.")') dataset2 END IF WRITE(*,'("Storage size for ",A," is: ",I3," bytes.",/)') dataset2, storage_size ! ! Close and release resources. ! CALL h5pclose_f(dcpl , hdferr) CALL h5dclose_f(dset1, hdferr) CALL h5dclose_f(dset2, hdferr) CALL h5sclose_f(space, hdferr) CALL h5fclose_f(file , hdferr) ! END PROGRAM main