!************************************************************ ! ! This example shows how to recursively traverse a file ! using H5Ovisit. The program prints all of ! the objects in the file specified in FILE. The default ! file used by this example implements the structure described ! in the User's Guide, chapter 4, figure 26. ! ! This file is intended for use with HDF5 Library version 1.8 ! with --enable-fortran2003 ! !************************************************************ MODULE g_visit USE HDF5 USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !************************************************************ ! ! Operator function for H5Ovisit. This function prints the ! name and type of the object passed to it. ! !************************************************************ INTEGER FUNCTION op_func(loc_id, name, info, cptr) bind(C) USE HDF5 USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(HID_T), VALUE :: loc_id CHARACTER(LEN=1), DIMENSION(1:50) :: name ! We must have LEN=1 for bind(C) strings ! in order to be standard compliant TYPE(H5O_info_t) :: info CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: name_string = ' ' TYPE(C_PTR) :: cptr INTEGER :: i DO i = 1, 50 IF(name(i)(1:1).EQ.C_NULL_CHAR) EXIT ! Read up to the C NULL termination name_string(i:i) = name(i)(1:1) ENDDO WRITE(*,"('/')",ADVANCE="NO") ! Print root group in object path ! ! Check if the current object is the root group, and if not print ! the full path name and type. ! IF(name(1)(1:1) .EQ. '.')THEN ! Root group, do not print '.' WRITE(*,"(' (Group)')") ELSE IF(info%type.EQ.H5O_TYPE_GROUP_F)THEN WRITE(*,'(A," (Group)")') TRIM(name_string) ELSE IF(info%type.EQ.H5O_TYPE_DATASET_F)THEN WRITE(*,'(A," (Dataset)")') TRIM(name_string) ELSE IF(info%type.EQ.H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE_F)THEN WRITE(*,'(A," (Datatype)")') TRIM(name_string) ELSE WRITE(*,'(A," (Unknown)")') TRIM(name_string) ENDIF ENDIF op_func = 0 ! return successful END FUNCTION op_func END MODULE g_visit PROGRAM main USE HDF5 USE ISO_C_BINDING USE g_visit IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=15), PARAMETER :: filename = "h5ex_g_visit.h5" INTEGER(HID_T) :: file ! Handle INTEGER :: status TYPE(C_FUNPTR) :: funptr TYPE(C_PTR) :: ptr INTEGER :: ret_value ! ! Initialize FORTRAN interface. ! CALL h5open_f(status) CALL H5Fopen_f(filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file, status) ! ! Begin iteration using H5Ovisit ! WRITE(*,'(A)') "Objects in the file:" funptr = C_FUNLOC(op_func) CALL H5Ovisit_f(file, H5_INDEX_NAME_F, H5_ITER_NATIVE_F, funptr, C_NULL_PTR, ret_value, status) ! ! Close and release resources. ! CALL H5Fclose_f(file, status) END PROGRAM main