(cd $cmziptmpsubdir; echo "ctest -S HDF5config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=VS201364 -C Release -V -O hdf5.log" > build-VS2013-64.bat; chmod 755 build-VS2013-64.bat)
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code
# distribution tree, or in
# If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from
# Make a release of hdf5.
# Programmer: Robb Matzke
# Creation date: on or before 1998-01-29.
# Modifications
# Robb Matzke, 1999-07-16
# The SunOS 5.6 sed *must* have slashes as delimiters. I changed things like
# `sed s+/CVS++' to `sed 's/\/CVS//'
# Albert Cheng, 1999-10-26
# Moved the MANIFEST checking to a separate command file so that
# it can be invoked individually.
# Albert Cheng, 2004-08-14
# Added the --private option.
# James Laird, 2005-09-07
# Added the md5 method.
# Function definitions
# Print Usage page
cat << EOF
Usage: $0 -d <dir> [--docver BRANCHNAME] [-h] [--nocheck] [--private] <methods> ...
-d DIR The name of the directory where the releas(es) should be
--docver BRANCHNAME This is added for 1.8 and beyond to get the correct
version of documentation files from the hdf5docs
repository. BRANCHNAME for v1.8 should be hdf5_1_8.
-h print the help page.
--nocheck Ignore errors in MANIFEST file.
--private Make a private release with today's date in version information.
This must be run at the top level of the source directory.