-bad  /* Blank line after declarations */
-bap  /* Blank line after procedure */
-bbb  /* No blank line before boxed comments */
-bbo  /* Try to break long lines at boolean operators && and || */
-nbc  /* Don't force newlines after commas in declarations */
-br   /* Put braces on the same line as the statement (not -bl) */
-brs  /* Put braces on the same line as the struct declaration (not -bls) */
-nbs  /* Don't put a space between a sizeof operator and it's object */
-c33  /* Start comments after code in column 33 */
-cbi0 /* Indent braces below a case statement 0 spaces to right of case statement */
-cd33 /* Start comments after declarations in column 33 */
-ncdb /* Don't put comment delimiters on their own lines */
-cdw  /* "Cuddle" while statements onto the same line as the closing do statement's brace */
-nce  /* Don't "Cuddle" else statements onto the same line as the closing if statement's brace */
-ci8  /* Align continued code 8 spaces from initial indention */
-cli4 /* Indent case statements 4 spaces to right of switch statement */
-cp0  /* Start comments after pre-processor directives immediately after the directive */
-ncs  /* Don't put a space between a cast operator and it's object */
-d0   /* Align comments on their own line with the surrounding code */
-nbfda /* Don't force newlines after commas in function argument declarations */
-di24 /* Align identifiers in declarations in column 24 */
-nfc1 /* Don't format comments in the first column */
-nfca /* Don't format comments on their own line */
-hnl  /* Honor existing new-lines in long boolean statements */
-i4   /* Indent space spaces */
-ip8  /* Don't add any extra indention for nested parentheses */
-l78  /* Try to break long lines in column 78 */
-lc78 /* Try to break long comment lines in column 78 */
-nlp  /* Don't align lines continued onto further lines with the opening parentheses */
-lps  /* Leave spaces in preprocessor directives alone */
-npcs /* Don't put a space between the procedure name and it's parameters */
-npcs /* Don't put a space between the procedure name and it's parameters */
-pi4  /* Extra indentation per open parentheses */
-pmt  /* Preserve modification times on modified files */
-nprs /* Don't add spaces around parentheses */
-psl  /* Force the return type of a procedure to be on it's own line */
-nsaf /* Don't put a space between a for statement and it's initial parentheses */
-nsai /* Don't put a space between an if statement and it's initial parentheses */
-nsaw /* Don't put a space between a while statement and it's initial parentheses */
-sbi0 /* Indent braces after a struct, union or enum 0 spaces */
-sc   /* Put stars at the beginning of multi-line comments */
-nsob /* Don't swallow optional blank lines */
-ss   /* Put a space before the semicolon if its the only statement in a for or while loop */
-ts8  /* Hard tab characters are 8 spaces */
/* The rest are typedefs used by the library, feel free to add missing ones, */
/*  but try to keep them alphabetized */
-T H5AC_class_t
-T H5AC_prot_t
-T H5AC_slot_t
-T H5AC_subid_t
-T H5AC_t