// Lint options shared by both PC-Lint for Windows and Flexelint for Linux
// Turn off warnings about not using the inlined H5V* functions:
-esym(528, H5VM_vector_reduce_product, H5VM_vector_inc)
-esym(528, H5VM_vector_cmp, H5VM_vector_cmp_s, H5VM_vector_cmp_u)
-esym(528, H5VM_vector_zerop_s, H5VM_vector_zerop_u)
// Suppress message about using 'goto' in a few functions
// Suppress message about "boolean test of a paranthesized assignment"
// Suppress message about "Constant value boolean" in FUNC_ENTER* macros
// Suppress message about "Constant value boolean" in TRUE macros
// Suppress message about our use of 'goto' in our error macros
-emacro(801,HGOTO_DONE, H5Epush_goto)
// Turn off warnings about not using the return value from these functions:
-esym(534, HDfprintf, HDsnprintf, HDvsnprintf)
-esym(534, H5E_clear_stack, H5E_push_stack)
-esym(534, H5FL_arr_free, H5FL_blk_free, H5FL_reg_free, H5FL_seq_free)
-esym(534, H5CS_push, H5CS_pop)
-esym(534, H5I_clear_type, H5I_dec_type_ref)
-esym(534, H5VM_array_fill)
// Turn off warnings about "Expression-like macro not parenthesized" for
// enumerated type increment & decrement macros:
-esym(773, H5_INC_ENUM, H5_DEC_ENUM)
/* So far, the following files have been linted with these options: