# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# A script to generate coverage files for HDF5 using gcov.
# Configures, builds, and runs tests in-place; the output files will be placed
# in a directory called gcov_logs.
# Must be invoked from the root hdf5 directory.
# This script has been tested on kagiso.
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs"
gcov -b $j >> gcov.log 2>&1
mv gcov.log ../../gcov_logs