# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html.  COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page.  It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html.  If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# Compare the modification time of file argument 1 against other file arguments.
# Return true (0) if argument 1 is newer than all others, otherwise return
# false (1).  If any of the argument is not a file, return false (1).
# Programmer: Albert Cheng
# Created Date: 2005/07/06
# Modification:
#    Albert Cheng 2005/8/30
#    Changed from two arguments to mulitple arguments.
if test $# -lt 2; then
    exit 1
if test ! -f $1; then
    exit 1
for f in $*; do
    if test ! -f $f; then
    exit 1
    if test X = X`find $f1 -newer $f -print`; then
    exit 1
# passed all tests.  Must be a file newer than all others.
exit 0