dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce configure.
dnl Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
dnl National Center for Supercomputing Applications
dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dnl Initialize configure.
echo "creating src/H5pubconf.h"
sed 's/#define /#define H5_/' <src/H5config.h |\
sed 's/#undef /#undef H5_/' >pubconf
if test ! -f src/H5pubconf.h; then
/bin/mv -f pubconf src/H5pubconf.h
elif (diff pubconf src/H5pubconf.h >/dev/null); then
echo "src/H5pubconf.h is unchanged"
/bin/mv -f pubconf src/H5pubconf.h
dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dnl Dump all shell variables values.
AC_MSG_CHECKING(shell variables initial values)
dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dnl Check that the cache file was build on the same host as what we're
AC_CACHE_CHECK(for cached host,hdf5_cv_host,hdf5_cv_host="none");
if test $hdf5_cv_host = "none"; then
elif test $hdf5_cv_host != $host; then
echo "The config.cache file was generated on $hdf5_cv_host but"
echo "this is $host. Please remove that file and try again."
AC_MSG_ERROR(config.cache file is invalid)
dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dnl Source any special files that we need. These files normally aren't