- There are few C and Fortran tests that fail (C mtime,  Fortran file_close and
        Building and installation instructions for Alpha Open VMS
            This file is under construction
                EIP June 1, 2006
        1. Obtaining HDF5
        2. Building C, Fortran and C++ libraries
        3. Testing HDF5 libraries and tools
        4. Installing HDF5 libraries
        5. Known problems
    1.Obtaining HDF5
      Please see INSTALL file in this directory for downloading instructions.
    2. Building C, Fortran and C++ libraries
           IMPORTANT: This version REQUIRES GNU ZLIB librarary to be installed
                      on a system. You may download the source code from
     -  Use tar command to untar HDF5 source ball
        tar -xvf hdf5-1.8.0-<pre>.tar
     -  Change default directory to [.hdf5-1.8.0-<pre>.vms]
         -  Modify make.com file to point to the installed ZLIB library.
         -  Run 
           command. This command file will build 
            C library, tests, and utilities 
            Fortran library and tests
            C++ library and tests
            C, Fortran and C++ examples
       IMPORTANT: Compilations flags are defined in the [.vms]make.com file of the
       source tree. It is set up to use /float=float_ieee qualifier for C, Fortran 
       and C++ compilersi, and debug mode. If desired, those flags can be removed.
       Do NOT REMOVE /define=H5_VMS and /standard=strict_ansi qualifiers.
       If you have to use make.com file in a particular directory, make sure that
       you modify the compilation flags in this file appropriately.
       If  make.com succeeds, the following libraries and utilties will be built: