Building and installation instructions for Alpha Open VMS
This file is under construction
2. Building C, Fortran and C++ libraries
3. Testing HDF5 libraries and tools
4. Installing HDF5 libraries
Please see INSTALL file in this directory for downloading instructions.
2. Building C, Fortran and C++ libraries
IMPORTANT: This version REQUIRES GNU ZLIB librarary to be installed
on a system. You may download the source code from
- Use tar command to untar HDF5 source ball
tar -xvf hdf5-1.8.0-<pre>.tar
- Change default directory to [.hdf5-1.8.0-<pre>.vms]
- Modify file to point to the installed ZLIB library.
command. This command file will build
C library, tests, and utilities
Fortran library and tests
C, Fortran and C++ examples
IMPORTANT: Compilations flags are defined in the [.vms] file of the
source tree. It is set up to use /float=float_ieee qualifier for C, Fortran
and C++ compilersi, and debug mode. If desired, those flags can be removed.
Do NOT REMOVE /define=H5_VMS and /standard=strict_ansi qualifiers.
If you have to use file in a particular directory, make sure that
you modify the compilation flags in this file appropriately.
If succeeds, the following libraries and utilties will be built: