* Build and Install HDF5 Applications with CMake                       *
Notes: This short instruction is written for users who want to quickly
       build HDF5 applications using the CMake tools. Users can adapt
       these instructions for their own applications. For more information,
       see the "Minimum C Project Files for CMake" section.
       More information about using CMake can be found at the KitWare
       site, www.cmake.org.
       CMake uses the command line; however, the visual CMake tool is
       available for the configuration step. The steps are similar for
       all of the operating systems supported by CMake.
         1. Using CMake for building and using HDF5 is under active
            development. While we have attempted to provide error-free
            files, please understand that development with CMake has not
            been extensively tested outside of HDF. The CMake specific
            files may change before the next release.
         2. CMake for HDF5 development should be usable on any system
            where CMake is supported. Please send us any comments on how
            CMake support can be improved on any system.
         3. See the appendix at the bottom of this file for an example
            of using a ctest script for building and testing. See
            INSTALL_CMake.txt for more information.
I. Preconditions
   1. We suggest you obtain the latest CMake for windows from the Kitware
      web site. The HDF5 1.8.x product requires a minimum CMake version
      of 3.1.0.
   2. You have installed the HDF5 library built with CMake, by executing
      the HDF Install Utility (the *.msi file in the binary package for
      Windows). If you are using a Windows platform, you can obtain a
      pre-built Windows binary from The HDF Group's website at
   3. Set the environment variable HDF5_DIR to the installed location of
      the config files for HDF5. On Windows:
            HDF5_DIR=C:/Program Files/HDF_Group/HDF5/1.8.x/cmake