usage: h5repack [OPTIONS] file1 file2
file1 Input HDF5 File
file2 Output HDF5 File
-h, --help Print a usage message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose mode, print object information
-V, --version Print version number and exit
-n, --native Use a native HDF5 type when repacking
-L, --latest Use latest version of file format
-c L1, --compact=L1 Maximum number of links in header messages
-d L2, --indexed=L2 Minimum number of links in the indexed format
-s S[:F], --ssize=S[:F] Shared object header message minimum size
-m M, --minimum=M Do not apply the filter to datasets smaller than M
-e E, --file=E Name of file E with the -f and -l options
-u U, --ublock=U Name of file U with user block data to be added
-b B, --block=B Size of user block to be added
-M A, --metadata_block_size=A Metadata block size for H5Pset_meta_block_size
-t T, --threshold=T Threshold value for H5Pset_alignment
-a A, --alignment=A Alignment value for H5Pset_alignment
-q Q, --sort_by=Q Sort groups and attributes by index Q
-z Z, --sort_order=Z Sort groups and attributes by order Z
-f FILT, --filter=FILT Filter type
-l LAYT, --layout=LAYT Layout type
M - is an integer greater than 1, size of dataset in bytes (default is 0)
E - is a filename.
S - is an integer
U - is a filename.
T - is an integer
A - is an integer greater than zero
Q - is the sort index type for the input file. It can be "name" or "creation_order" (default)
Z - is the sort order type for the input file. It can be "descending" or "ascending" (default)
B - is the user block size, any value that is 512 or greater and is
a power of 2 (1024 default)
F - is the shared object header message type, any of <dspace|dtype|fill|
pline|attr>. If F is not specified, S applies to all messages
--enable-error-stack Prints messages from the HDF5 error stack as they
FILT - is a string with the format:
<list of objects>:<name of filter>=<filter parameters>
<list of objects> is a comma separated list of object names, meaning apply
compression only to those objects. If no names are specified, the filter
is applied to all objects
<name of filter> can be:
GZIP, to apply the HDF5 GZIP filter (GZIP compression)
SZIP, to apply the HDF5 SZIP filter (SZIP compression)
SHUF, to apply the HDF5 shuffle filter