LIB = $(lib_LIBRARIES) $(lib_LTLIBRARIES) $(noinst_LIBRARIES)                 \
      $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES) $(check_LIBRARIES) $(check_LTLIBRARIES) $(EXTRA_LIB)
PROGS = $(bin_PROGRAMS) $(bin_SCRIPTS) $(noinst_PROGRAMS) $(noinst_SCRIPTS)   \
chk_TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) $(check_SCRIPTS) $(EXTRA_TEST) 
REALTIMEOUTPUT = $(realtimeOutput)
all: H5config.h
    $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-am
.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .log .o .obj .sh .sh$(EXEEXT) .trs
$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/config/ $(top_srcdir)/config/ $(top_srcdir)/config/ $(am__configure_deps)
trace: $(libhdf5_la_SOURCES)
    @for dep in $? dummy; do                                          \
     if test $$dep != "dummy" -a -n "$(PERL)"; then                      \
      case "$$dep" in                                                 \
       *.c)                                                           \
        $(TRACE) $$dep;                                               \
        ;;                                                            \
      esac;                                                           \
     fi;                                                              \
# lib/progs/tests targets recurse into subdirectories. build-* targets
# build files in this directory.
build-lib: $(LIB)
build-progs: $(LIB) $(PROGS)
build-tests: $(LIB) $(PROGS) $(chk_TESTS)
# General rule for recursive building targets.
# BUILT_SOURCES contain targets that need to be built before anything else
# in the directory (e.g., for Fortran type detection)
lib progs tests check-s check-p :: $(BUILT_SOURCES)
# $${log} is the log file.
# $${tname} is the name of test.
    @if test "X$@" != "X.chkexe_" && test "X$@" != "Xdummy.chkexe_"; then \
       log=$(@:.chkexe_=.chklog); \
       echo "============================"; \
       if $(top_srcdir)/bin/newer $(@:.chkexe_=.chkexe) $${tname}; then \
          echo "No need to test $${tname} again."; \
       else \
          echo "============================" > $${log}; \
          if test "X$(FORTRAN_API)" = "Xyes"; then \
             echo "Fortran API: Testing $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
             echo "Fortran API: $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" >> $${log}; \
          elif test "X$(CXX_API)" = "Xyes"; then \
             echo "C++ API: Testing $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
             echo "C++ API: $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" >> $${log};\
          else \
             echo "Testing $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
             echo "$(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" >> $${log}; \
          fi; \
          echo "============================" >> $${log}; \
          srcdir="$(srcdir)" \
             $(TIME) $(RUNEXEC) ./$${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) >> $${log} 2>&1 \
             && touch $(@:.chkexe_=.chkexe) || \
             (test $$HDF5_Make_Ignore && echo "*** Error ignored") || \
             (cat $${log} && false) || exit 1; \
              if test -n "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                 echo "============================" | tee $${log}; \
              else \
                 echo "============================" > $${log}; \
              fi; \
              if test "X$(FORTRAN_API)" = "Xyes"; then \
                 echo "Fortran API: Testing $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
                 if test -n "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                    echo "Fortran API: $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" | tee -a $${log}; \
                 else \
                    echo "Fortran API: $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" >> $${log}; \
                 fi; \
              elif test "X$(CXX_API)" = "Xyes"; then \
                 echo "C++ API: Testing $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
                 if test -n "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                    echo "C++ API: $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" | tee -a $${log};\
                 else \
                    echo "C++ API: $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" >> $${log};\
                 fi; \
              else \
                 echo "Testing $(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
                 if test -n "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                    echo "$(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" | tee -a $${log}; \
                 else \
                    echo "$(HDF5_DRIVER) $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) Test Log" >> $${log}; \
                 fi; \
              fi; \
              if test -n "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                 echo "============================" | tee -a $${log}; \
              else \
                 echo "============================" >> $${log}; \
              fi; \
              if test -n "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                 srcdir="$(srcdir)" \
                 $(TIME) $(RUNEXEC) ./$${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) | tee -a $${log} 2>&1 \
                 && touch $(@:.chkexe_=.chkexe) || \
                 (test $$HDF5_Make_Ignore && echo "*** Error ignored") || \
                 (cat $${log} && false) || exit 1; \
              else \
                 srcdir="$(srcdir)" \
                 $(TIME) $(RUNEXEC) ./$${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS) >> $${log} 2>&1 \
                 && touch $(@:.chkexe_=.chkexe) || \
                 (test $$HDF5_Make_Ignore && echo "*** Error ignored") || \
                 (cat $${log} && false) || exit 1; \
              fi; \
          echo "" >> $${log}; \
          echo "Finished testing $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)" >> $${log}; \
          echo "============================" >> $${log}; \
          echo "Finished testing $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
          cat $${log}; \
              if test -n "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                 echo "Finished testing $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)" | tee -a $${log}; \
                 echo "============================" | tee -a $${log}; \
              else \
                 echo "Finished testing $${tname} $(TEST_FLAGS)" >> $${log}; \
                 echo "============================" >> $${log}; \
              fi; \
              if test -z "$(REALTIMEOUTPUT)"; then \
                 cat $${log}; \
              fi; \
       fi; \
# The dummysh.chkexe here prevents the target from being
# empty if there are no tests in the current directory.
# $${log} is the log file.
# $${tname} is the name of test.
    @if test "X$@" != "X.chkexe_" && test "X$@" != "Xdummysh.chkexe_"; then \