/* Entry information */
    uint64_t idx;                       /* Index that entry corresponds to */
    earray_flush_depend_ctx_t *fd_info; /* Context information for flush depend test */
} earray_test_t;
/* Local prototypes */
/* Metadata cache (H5AC) callbacks */
static herr_t earray_cache_test_get_load_size(const void *udata_ptr,
                                              size_t *image_len_ptr);
static herr_t earray_cache_test_get_initial_load_size(void *udata, size_t *image_len);
static void *earray_cache_test_deserialize(const void *image_ptr, size_t len,
    void *udata_ptr, hbool_t *dirty_ptr);
static herr_t earray_cache_test_image_len(const void *thing, size_t *image_len_ptr);
static herr_t earray_cache_test_serialize(const H5F_t *f, void *image_ptr,
    size_t len, void *thing);
static herr_t earray_cache_test_free_icr(void *thing);
/* Local variables */
const char *FILENAME[] = {
/* Empty file size */
h5_stat_size_t empty_size_g;
/* H5EA test object inherits cache-like properties from H5AC */
const H5AC_class_t H5AC_EARRAY_TEST[1] = {{
    /* id            */ H5AC_TEST_ID,
    /* name          */ "earray test",
    /* mem_type      */ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT,
    /* flags         */ H5AC__CLASS_SKIP_READS | H5AC__CLASS_SKIP_WRITES,
    /* get_load_size */ earray_cache_test_get_load_size,
    /* get_initial_load_size */ earray_cache_test_get_initial_load_size,
    /* get_final_load_size */ NULL,
    /* verify_chksum */ NULL,
    /* deserialize   */ earray_cache_test_deserialize,
    /* image_len     */ earray_cache_test_image_len,
    /* pre_serialize */ NULL,
    /* serialize     */ earray_cache_test_serialize,
    /* notify        */ NULL,
    /* free_icr      */ earray_cache_test_free_icr,
    /* fsf_size      */ NULL,
    /* Success */
} /* finish() */
 * Function:    earray_cache_test_get_load_size()
 * Function:    earray_cache_test_get_initial_load_size()
 * Purpose: place holder function -- should never be called
 *      A generic discussion of metadata cache callbacks of this type
 *      may be found in H5Cprivate.h:
 *      may be found in H5Cprivate.h.
 * Return:      Success:        SUCCEED
 *              Failure:        FAIL
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              8/2/14
static herr_t
earray_cache_test_get_load_size(const void *udata_ptr, size_t *image_len_ptr)
earray_cache_test_get_initial_load_size( void *udata, size_t *image_len)
    /* Should never be called */
    HDassert(0 && "Can't be called!");
    *image_len_ptr = 0;
    *image_len = 0;
} /* end earray_cache_test_get_load_size() */
} /* end earray_cache_test_get_initial_load_size() */
 * Function:    earray_cache_test_deserialize
 * Purpose: place holder function -- should never be called.
 *      A generic discussion of metadata cache callbacks of this type
 *      may be found in H5Cprivate.h: