


AuthorCommitMessageCommit Date
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
1966edc6a5bUpdated export alignments tool to use new error macros. Minor change to export reads tool.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
78fa645e21aFixed bug in export reads tool.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
2560f889144Updated export reads to use new error handling. Export reads is having a getopt parse issue. Not sure what that is, but it keeps jumping to usage. Minor changes to other files.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
4eb3c3827efUpdated preparse SAM tool to be more robust.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
a4da996f5b2Still working on alignments test.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
3d4a4e877e3Added a shortcut so that no work is done when indexing empty collections.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
6562d7d8666Changed "storage" to "collection" in a few reads names.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
3dd923d80b3Partially improved alignments test.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
67e324917daPartially improved alignments test.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
ae3d2649c25Fixed a few remaining gcc issues. Updated to also run test_alignments.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
916e0a8295e- Fixed more gcc warnings. - Added int check macros for <= and >=.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
989604e9c62Fixed some warnings from gcc.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
06d512f12a8Minor change
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
02b9f779e1d- Updated return codes in tools. - Added error checking to preparse SAM tool. - Cleaned out alignments test tool.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
04abb04ea75Rest of code converted to new error macros.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
08917752fbeUpdated some BioHDF files to use the new error macros.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
89ef79aad35Set the libbiohdf and test_vectors projects to ignore warning 4005. This arises due to the CMake binaries #defining _HDF5USEDLL_ which is required to use the HDF5 dlls. Since this is not defined in some of our binaries, I'm leaving it #defined and ignoring the warnings. Since it's just a flag, this does no harm.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
14afc3e88b2- Replaced _HDF5USEDLL_ in VS projects. It's easier to ignore the redefinition warnings than to deal with the missing #define. - Reworkd vector and vpart files to use new error macros throughout. - Updated error macros.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
15a4671b80aUntabified files.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
a0143700a99All tests except alignments updated to new test macros and pass on Windows.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
50941973737Updated test_reads to use the CHECK_INT macro.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
efb1bea9eb3- Removed the "use DLL" define since that is defined in CMake builds now. - Added new macros - test_groups now uses the new error macros.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
78c1aeebe98Marked up test_reads with new error macros.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
ed96a8fb8d3Added some basic test macros. The old experimental test macro in test_reads.c was renamed as well, though this code will be replaced with the new macros.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
9d5f2c50d33Removed the Lua files since I'm not using that at this time.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
956f849cdc1Added a note describing autoreconf usage.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
6f9ca3a6116Removed another generated file. Restored (empty) m4 directory.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
959fa04f4b1Removed generated autotools files.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
345c5f77ef7Sync timestamps on a few other configuration files
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
6a18ca32ef9Bringing all configure timestamps into sync to fix configure issues
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
8b3b08dcce6BioHDF header files now installed by make install.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
f4c2b90ae7bAdded m4 directory with libtool stuff (generated on Ubuntu). Updated some macros in and top-level
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
cecf44d92bcUpdated to include reads test program.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
f60ff8510d4- Fixed the reads iterators, which had been left broken from earlier work. - Removed C program calls from testing shell script. This will now be done automatically via make check. - Reworked the reads test program. - Minor changes to the other test programs.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
ac972453c11Updated test to accommodate vector test program, fixed a minor warning from gcc and added code to remove the test file.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
8c05c0001f1Finished updating vector test.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
6fdb3d85b42Removed unnecessary vector and vpart iterator functionality. When we use vectors and vparts internally, we always need to know the HDF5 index so these functions are not particularly useful.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
9bef5ba891fCommit of current vector test and fixed an enumerator bug in the vector code.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
8983810dd52About half done with vector test update.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
4668189ae2aUpdated solution to accommodate vectors test.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
534b7341eabAdded a few explanatory comments to the FAIL cleanup.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
c289c4cca86Updated and re-ran autoreconf so updated groups test passes.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
0f2400c8bb6Fixed up the groups test and VS project. Now it doesn't require user observation to ensure it worked and it matches the source code.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
16d8732ac33Updated test projects on Windows.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
f0208272f5eAdded VS2008 project for testing BioHDF files.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
94462c69246Updated to handle basic tests (which need some rework) and re-ran autoreconf.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
58c9d5033abBlock commented out sketchy tests while I move them into make check and fix things.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
60e449392e7Moved test files to a separate directory.