1. HDF5VOL




AuthorCommitMessageCommit Date
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
8a9ebf9a468Migrate to HPC-IO github: https://github.com/hpc-io/vol-external-passthrough
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
13ad8b15d86Re-align with HDF5 'develop' branch
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
3cc4646b432Track addition of H5VL_REQUEST_GET_ERR_STACK
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
3daa7d61ce7Follow change to the VOL request subclass callbacks that switch from using "H5ES_status_t" to "H5VL_request_status_t", and also add a H5VL_request_status_t* parameter to the 'cancel' callback in the request subclass.
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
d46268a275eCatch up to semantics for request objects - only free them for the actual 'free' callback
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
219f49a1415Remove debugging printf
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
8f11d0cd17dUpdate for MacOS
Quincey KoziolQuincey Koziol
172057c88cdMinor edits to the README info, and switch some more symbols to use the "EXT" prefix.
Tony LiTony Li
5f9ea36ad52Format fix
Tony LiTony Li
8f2f5959de5Format fix
Tony LiTony Li
f8f8672bed6Update README to markdown format.
Tony LiTony Li
9b3bd9475e9Initial commit, tested on Linux (Cori) and OSX.