Mike Bauer | 6b009f88869 | Several bug fixes for both correctness and performance | | |
Mike Bauer | 51883e83023 | Updating README with a pointer to the new Legion homepage | | |
Mike Bauer | 9dfd4a74109 | Updating build system | | |
Mike Bauer | c1e37bf5320 | Fixing some bugs and updating examples | | |
Mike Bauer | 30ec9330626 | Adding example codes and pushing some bug fixes | | |
Mike Bauer | 0db09819cfe | More updates and bug fixes | | |
Mike Bauer | 674616ed34a | Lots of bug fixes and performance optimizations added to both high and low level runtimes | | |
Elliott Slaughter | cc4ac2865ab | Major update to the compiler.Bug fixes, performance improvements, and examples. | | |
Mike Bauer | 7601931c1e8 | New version of the Legion runtime system. Many new features and bug fixes included | | |
Elliott Slaughter | 6621a98fc4e | Compiler bug fixes, performance improvements.More examples. | | |
Elliott Slaughter | d7a1310660c | Runtime bug fixes and performance improvements. | | |
Elliott Slaughter | df31d933969 | Fixes for regenerating grammar files. | | |
Elliott Slaughter | d30085467a2 | Fix for linking on Mac OS X. | | |
Elliott Slaughter | 3202b81b873 | More fixes for Mac OS X. | | |
Elliott Slaughter | 7ba1269bc0e | Compiler bug fix, more complete fluid example. | | |
Elliott Slaughter | 2bd6d23f7b5 | Add symlink for lcomp | | |
Elliott Slaughter | 5cd16962e81 | Initial public release of the compiler | | |
Elliott Slaughter | 9ddf9bc4038 | Bug fixes and performance improvements | | |
Mike Bauer | b88fff1fc4a | Adding missing legion_impl.h and beginnings of the new generalized copy routine | | |
Mike Bauer | d1db8c47008M | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/StanfordLegion/legion | | |
Mike Bauer | 0dfaad12361 | Bug fixes for the high level runtime and new mapping utilities | | |
Elliott Slaughter | ff1c2e83631 | Fix typos in README. | | |
Mike Bauer | b8c11fb3795 | Some bug fixes and new mapping calls with added mapping utilities | | |
Mike Bauer | b001d09d90e | Updating the front page documentation | | |
Mike Bauer | 3df4a569a7a | Lots of bug fixes / features added including support for profiling | | |
Mike Bauer | bd2f2df13d8 | Example of a different kind of application: delaunay mesh refinement - still in progress | | |
Mike Bauer | 485b7cdf66d | Some bug fixes and performance tuning for the high level runtime | | |
Mike Bauer | 7f4be8641e4 | Bug fixes for fields and reductions, updates to legion_spy | | |
Mike Bauer | 461a3ed3478 | Some bug fixes and some performance improvements | | |
Mike Bauer | c3e9a861f58 | Adding support for pointer checks, privilege checks, and improved debugging with legion spy | | |
Mike Bauer | 3c57d339503 | Updating for new accessor interface and new debugging infrastructure | | |
Mike Bauer | db2fba2be37 | Updating the readme | | |
Mike Bauer | 584c3bbea37 | Commit of the first major batch of files for legion | | |
StanfordLegion | 2082c56f894 | Initial commit | | |