AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
26392b3b44eAdd in newly-updated HDF5 source files
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
0fd39f0fe6bRemove old outdated HDF5 source
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
0ee67fdae7cAllow script to exit of part of build fails
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
3e934b68808Add in REST VOL-necessary changes to HDF5 source
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
c11ad6d3c25Add develop-synced HDF5 folder
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
51e974bafc9Disable REST VOL tests until external links can be fixed indevelop-synced VOL branch
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
eb837c4dd9eAdd new link for HSDS information
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
386af1e9385Attempt to correct some spacing issues in Lists in the markdown
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
16390a4549dMove some things out of code boxes
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
a019169e90eSome more list indentation correction
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
60b9ad23cacCorrect some list indentation
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
f39412a244cChange link to REST VOL code to be an actual link
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
ea52a75d849Finished merging Jake's changes
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
de4fe55d400Remove old README.txt
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
6fdb58942adPartial completed
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
71132c1416cCreate examples dir if it doesn't already exist
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
9e18262069fUpdates to finalize README for now
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
d6243421fecHave autotools require presence of libcurl and libyajl
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
78ad8cbbdb5Remove from configure.acPut rest_vol_config.h in correct place for CMake CPack
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
577eb246df4Silence a compiler warning about a cast
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
487753cf55aAdd in linking for cURL and YAJLAdd custom FindYAJL.cmake Correct error in test linking Add #include for stdlib.h to examples to use getenv Correct EXPORT dependency error
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
fab5b06205eResolve linking error in CMakeUpdates for building the REST VOL tests in CMake Add CMake option to disable building of examples
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
35b257a4336Include REST VOL public header in all examples
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
f371749cae0Update examples to use rv_ prefix and avoid name collision
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
8d4b2437ef6Remove two unneccessary files
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
e39582cc67fUpdates to autotools for examplesCorrectly set REST VOL plugin's version in autotools
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
9ea72ca1bcfAdd in missing examples folder from a previous commitAdd in autotools conditional for tests Updates to CMake
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
61432533832Updates for linking in dependencies and building shared librariesRemove duplication of H5_ prefixed macros in REST VOL config header
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
bf56c132c21Updates to rest_vol.c to make the compilers happy
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
89660be4847Add build target and dependencies for REST VOL
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
055e195d270Reset examples folder in included HDF5 distributionAdd examples to extra folder in project for build compatibility Add autotools options for building examples and tools
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
ce5081e57d7Update to CMakeLists.txt to build tests
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
ed4b9b4569cUpdates to CMakeModify CMake variable prefixes to REST VOL to match project name
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
934ee9a1da1Generate librestvol.settings file in autotools and CMakeAdd some extra config files for CMake Updates for CMake
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
6f9df2de5f4Add CMakeLists.txt for src and test dirs
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
1e9e26777f1Split up REST VOL source into logical folders
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
e239ffabf57Updates to CMake
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
02cacca0947Add in CMake variables for plugin debugging
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
cdf62a7ffd2Add incomplete template config header file for CMake
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
2d392a74b81Updates to CMakeLists.txtAdd HDF5-like macro renaming scheme to Distribute rest_vol_config.h with build
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
0ecbabd7fccUpdates to the README for autotools builds
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
624c037c457Updates to allow user to specify cURL and YAJL directoriesOnly depend on cURL and YAJL in REST VOL's private header
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
e97a4baf86fRemove whitespace
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
4bfebcc872fAdd ability to have user specify pre-built HDF5 location
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
192fd1d7afdDisable cyclic link test for now
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
78863e93be6Add ability to enable REST VOL debugging through use of build_vol.shscript
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
971b3e602a4Remove usage of MIN macro
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
3a884aaff2eWhen included from public header, File access flags can't be switched onInclude REST VOL config header in appropriate places
Jordan HendersonJordan Henderson
e71b42c300eMore HDF5 cruft removedFind cURL before building