ymuqun committed a30f85202f3
Purpose: bug fix Description: Due to the version bump? of HDF4 from 4.1 to 4.2, the original oversimplified algo. test hdp has to be updated to be consistent with the version bump; otherwise, some tests will be skipped. [describe the bug, or describe the new feature, etc] Solution: Add another line for the current algo. to make sure hdp will be used for 4.2 series as well. [details about the changes, algorithm, etc...] [Please as detail as you can since your own explanation is better than others guessing it from the code.] Platforms tested: Linux 2.4( will test other platforms after source code changes. the change is too minimum to be tested on other platforms.) [machines you have tested the changed version. This is absolute important. Test it out on at least two or three different platforms such as Big-endian-32bit (SUN/IRIX), little-endian-32(LINUX) and 64-bit (IRIX64/UNICOS/DEC-ALPHA) would be good.]