Frank Baker committed 67e52597865
RM_H5S.html Dataspaces.html H5Sselect_hyperslab H5Sselect_elements Add H5S_SELECT_OR operator. Converted operator list to a table. H5Sextent_copy Corrected source and destination descriptions. (RM_H5S.html only) H5Screate Removed unused H5S_NONE dataspace type. H5Sset_extent_none Corrected reset class type to H5S_NO_CLASS (previously said H5S_NONE). RM_H5G.html H5Gget_linkval Corrected descriptions of 'loc_id', 'name', and 'value'. Corrected "Purpose". Emphasized need to call H5Gget_objinfo first. H5Gset_comment H5Gget_comment Corrected description of 'loc_id'. H5Gget_objinfo Corrected description of 'loc_id'. Added H5G_TYPE to list of valid values of 'type'. RM_H5F.html ExternalFiles.html H5Fmount H5Funmount Corrected description of 'loc_id'. Changed function descriptions in ExternalFiles.html to correspond to RM. RM_H5T.html Moved H5Tget_class and H5Tget_size to "General Datatype Operations" in top index.