
Albert Cheng committed c857aa12c18
[svn-r15665] Bug fix: (ID 1157) Description: Program would crash, complaining MPI calls were invoked after MPI_Finalize() has occurred. Previously, H5close() before MPI_Finalize() would remove the crash. Solution: It turned out that two H5 property objects (mpio_pl and acc_tpl) were not closed before MPI_Finalize(). In the at_exit code, HDF5 library attempted to close them by releasing the MPI Communicators in them too. That was the error. Adding code to close them properly before MPI_Finalize() took care things. Tested: Only in kagiso parallel. Did not run h5committest since kagiso would have been the one running parallel test. This part of code would not be compiled at all in non-phdf5 mode.