Vailin Choi committed 45be06a387c
Preliminary checkins for implementation done so far: 1) Public routines: H5Pget/set_vfd_swmr_config 2) Public routine: H5Fvfd_swmr_end_tick 3) Initialization when opening a file with VFD SWMR writer 4) Tests in test/vfd_swmr.c for VFD SWMR 5) Fix a bug in src/H5Fint.c: when error is encountered after the root group is created Note the following: --This is WORK IN PROGRESS and will subject to change as implementation goes. --There is test failure form enc_dec_plist.c: I will fix this when changes to the property list are settled. --The branch is updated with the latest from develop as of 8/14/2018