
Vailin Choi committed ce2748f0114
(A) Fixes for the assertion failures described in issue #2 (see John Mainzer's last checkin message): --src/H5PB.c: checks for size >= page size --src/H5MF.c: disable/enable page buffering in H5MF_tidy_self_referential_fsm_hack() --src/H5MFsection.c: call H5PB_remove_entry() for both raw/metadata pages in H5MF__sect_small_merge() (B) Port and modify existing concurrent swmr tests to VFD SWMR. Also modify the following: --remove flushes from VFD SWMR writer tests --set Nreaders to 0 in test/ to test for writers only Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting