AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Frank BakerFrank Baker
4c626a0e483Description: Copyright dates in COPYING file updated to include 2014.master
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
1e3cf3bb862Added copyright headers as needed.
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
3c867a724d4Updated the file to acknowledge Riverside and fixed the dates.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
9a88f6387d6h5aj_command.c Check whether the input data file is packaged. If it is, only option -o1 can be performed, and a message will be printed to that effect. It should be possible to process packaged files, but will require more work. h5aj_writenc4.c Add code to check properties of each dataset in the file to be processed and create a dimension scale with matching properties - ...Tested on jam and koala.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
11e6edef13dAdd test of JPSS files with unlimited dimensions. This will fail in this version. The next source checkin will correctly process the files.Tested on jam.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
1fa2d91f02fHDF5_Augmentation_Tool_Design.docx HDF5_Augmentation_Tool_Design.pdf Saved Mark's corrections in HDF5_Augmentation_Tool_Design120508.docx as new version of HDF5_Augmentation_Tool_Design.docx, and as new version of HDF5_Augmentation_Tool_Design.pdf.HDF5_Augmentation_Tool_User_Guide.docx HDF5_Augmentation_Tool_User_Guide.pdf Changed Copyright section of document to contents of COPYING file.
Mark EvansMark Evans
2fee3e9495d_ Removed two duplicate pictures. Made a couple of minor edits.Tested: Acrobat and Word
Mark EvansMark Evans
61c892ec348_ Removed two duplicate pictures. Made a couple of minor edits.Tested: Acrobat and Word
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
e1ed995abe6Check in changes for cmake on windows.
Allen ByrneAllen Byrne
dabfa9c12f9Correct name of project
Allen ByrneAllen Byrne
4c9ac662e86STATIC libxml2 needs definition on windows
Allen ByrneAllen Byrne
064d41d5464Update cmake filesTested: local linux
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
82eaeedbcd2Maintenance: Added design documents for h5augjpss
Mark EvansMark Evans
b4b09a44304_ Updated section 3.1.2 and added chapter 4. Tested: Acrobat
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
ca6b8e79237Added docx and pdf files of the User Guide to the repository
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
2aaf6e91b55Clarify that ncdump should be from a recent version of NetCDF-4.
Allen ByrneAllen Byrne
a4f5dda7d0cUpdate CMake files for new source folderTested: local linux
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
8e83830d203Update version string.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
39c0f0025ffRevise release date.
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
2b379759d6cFixed some formatting issues; added html version
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
9ba37edd5ccMinor editing of RELEASE.txt
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
6d5cf15ed42Add file docs/RELEASE.txt
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
36e05e24009Add reference manual doc and pdf.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
6619f606092Update default to run all -o options.Update help to reflect this. Improve readability of test output. Add instructions to README.txt to correct location of ncdump and h5dump in Add test instructions to README.txt
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
c74042a8483Check that datafile is hdf5 format, print errors if not. Added tests to see that expected number of attributes is present after running all options of h5augjpss. Put back the call to add attributes.Tested on jam and koala.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
109cfb999cfAdded test director and moved
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
5f9492ac700Updated README.txt file.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
a0a306fa426Made changes to support any order of executing options.Added more error handling, including checking for empty strings from parsing xml file when the strings are passed to atoi or atof functions. Added more tests to
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
2b5e1da9083Cleanup. Name of group was not correctly written to HDF5_internal_name_of<group_name>. Reorganized restore section of h5aj_command.c Moved executable file out of src directory.Tested on jam.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
a7244132d9eCreated src directory and move Makefile and source files into it.
Allen ByrneAllen Byrne
70178bc4854Update CMake files and add source enhancements for CDash.Tested: local linux
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
c411cece599Comment out h5aj_check_geolocation_dimensions function and calls to it. The function incorrectly assumes that all geolocation datasets have 2 dimensions - "AlongTrack" and "CrossTrack". At present it appears to be unnecessary to add dimension scales to geolocation datasets.Addresses issue JPSS-21.JPSS-21
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
0f48a2e4e4eAdd beta release 1.0 line to README.txt
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
8c6c0bcba46Improve formatting of test output and error/warning messages.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
9062127c650Add test files and an initial test program.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
e3da17ff762Added docs directory containing the initial design document.
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
23a079d0863Maintenance: Fixed URL for the h5augjpss-design.pdf document
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
a896890169dMaintenance: Updated help page to use simplified location for the spec along with some information for level 2 (mapping from xml file done according the spec, not xsd file, but xsd did play role in designing the mapping)
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
630c3d4b855Maintenance: Added -V --version to help page.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
c39ce68658aImprove help page; add version info and option.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
889f9331911Added improvements to help page and program outputs per Elena's review.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
1d291de912dAdd comment re group hiding to usage message.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
712eeee81d4Clean up debug messages and write all output to stderr.Tested on jam.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
9e1b3be9132Added environment variable H5AUGJPSS_DATADIR to specify location of input files.Added README.txt file. Made restore commands to run without error when repeated. Added code to find xml and geolocation files according to H5AUGJPSS_DATADIR, path to datafile, or current working directory.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
7f999c0c443Changed option to remove All_Data group structure from --tool IDV to --level 4.Added restore for hidden All_Data group structure, also removing hard links to the subgroup's datasets.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
52bc383ef2dReturn meaningful error messages when geolocation file is missing, xmlfile doesn't match datafile, or groups in data file can't be opened because they have already been hidden. Level 3 will now either multiple times without failing, and level 1 and -t IDV will explain that the group to be accessed can't be found. If the xml file specified can't be found, the nmae of the file will be printed with a message explaining that it must be in the current working directory.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
33f2d364eccFixed xml parsing to process all of H5AJ_MAX_DIMS dimensions, not all but 1.CrIS-SDR files dimension scale names aren't AlongTrack and CrossTrack. Updated h5ajcommand.c to set a flag when executing level 2 - the addition of dimension scales and other attributes from the xml file, and to check the flag when executing level 3 instead of looking for dimension scales named AlongTrack and CrossTrack.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
4f47f1a4468Add --tool IDV implementation.
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
e801fef75b3Add default options - levels 1 2 &3 for "h5augjpss xmlfile datafile".
Larry KnoxLarry Knox
6ffe6e0e0e5Remove unneeded H5Gclose().