2. h5edit


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
9f1df2e1c26Last cleanup of code before official release v1.2.0. Update version information for official release.Tested: all Unix THG development machine except Fred.h5edit_1_2_0
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
f335751ddefUpdated for v1.2.0 release.Tested: eyeball.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
875d80f5237Added a known problem.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
bcefb90ac28Update version number to v1.2.0 since a new feature (MODIFY) is added. Updated the test file too.Tested: koala.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
8662dbf1fceUpdated with changes for v1.1.1 release.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
5b0f02da882Cleaned up the code in general. Eliminate all compilers warnings except 3.Tested: jam, koala, emu, ostrich, platypus, duck, wren.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
9d6dc880af7Bug fix: RENAME was not working.A line to assign attribute_name to attribute_name_new was missed, making attr_name_new incorrect. Fixed. Also cleaned out some old, not applicable code for the MODIFY command. Tested: koala.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
74d602dea31Bug fix: When an attribute of the root group (e.g. /attr2 ) is modified, the command fails to open the attached object ("/") because the code tried to open it by H5Dopen() first.Solution: Changed modify to use H5Oopen/H5Oclose to open/close all dataset or group objects. This not only fix the bug, it also simplifies the code in the routine. Tested: koala. src/modify_cmd.c: code simplified for the solution above. test/testh5edit.sh: test/testfiles/modify-atts12-dset111.ref: Added the "MODIFY /attr2 ..." test to verify the solution. Changed the expect output t...
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
9d3f721698cCleaned up old code that handles attribute_name not defined. They are not needed any more.Tested: koala.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
bbf4c126bebSimplify the code for MODIFY command syntax to just one modify_cmd rule. Normally, object and attribute names are as two separated tokens. But if they are given as one combined token (<object/attribute>), it is splitted by split_object_attribute() function. This reduces a lot of duplicated code.Tested: koala.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
073d769b76cExpected test output for the MODIFY command.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
bcd636582f1New Feature: adding MODIFY command.Initial version check in. More work is needed. Tests passed in Jam, Koala, Ostrich, Emu, Duck, Wren, Platypus. RENAME is failing and its tested are temporay skipped in testh5edit.sh. src/modify_cmd.c: new source module to hand the MODIFY command. src/Makefile.am: src/Makefile.in: addition of modify_cmd.c source module to support the MODIFY command. test/testh5edit.sh: Added MODI...
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
2fdc5b11d9fUpdated expected answer to reflect the new version number of 1.1.1.Tested: koala
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
aca913bf2e8Changed version number 1.1.1 for next release.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
de9fb1ceb24Commit last changes made to Makefile.am (copyright header) but was notpropagated to this file.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
8c38f7a6cabDocumentation: Added copyright headers (text changes only). Addresses JPSS-66/JPSS-68Tested: koala2 JIRA Issues
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
35ebecc9022New document of the Function Requirements and Testings Requirements of the MODIFY command.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
5f776f4796dPost v1.1.0 release aintenance. configure: configure.ac: src/h5edit.h: README: Changed to version number to 1.1.0-post1. doc/History: Archived RELEASE.txt into History. doc/RELEASE.txt: Reset RELEASE.txt for next release. bin/setversion: added examples into the remark section.Tested: only in Jam since changes are mostly simple text.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
5402405657fUpdated for the v1.1.0 release.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
656197da6fcUpdated for v1.1.0 release.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
ec9ca184283configure.ac: Added copyright notice. test/Makefile.in: test/Makefile.am: Makefile.in: Makefile.am: Updated Copyright to 2013.Tested: eyeballed only since all changes are in comment form, no code change.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
0ba0a5ccee3Changed release version to 1.1.0 for release.Tested: jam, koala, emu, ostrich.
Elena PourmalElena Pourmal
e76874db038Updated the file to acknowledge the Riverside contract and fixed the dates.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
da2551e645aAdded some "expected to fail" tests for the RENAME command.Tested: koala, jam, ostrich, duck
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
df949fc3d89Bug fix: if the datafile argument is not a simple file name in the current directory, e.g., testfile/datafile.h5, h5edit did not handle it correctly.Fixed the backup file creation function to handle "remote" datafile. Tested: all 6 platforms (jam, koala, ostrich, emu, duck and wren).
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
90258b3974eFixed test case for data file in non-current directory; previous test assumed source and build directory were the same. Note that the test will still fail due to the outstanding bug.Tested on: koala, jam
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
558e038432cAdded examples of the two commands.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
e1decedbfe8Test files for a copy case.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
0288ba59f2dAdded a test for a datafile that is not in the current working directory. (This test will fail until the backup file creation code is fixed.)Tested: koala (Linux 64-bit)
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
e66c918a67aAdded more comprehensive COPY tests, including error cases.Tested on: koala (Linux 64-bit)
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
0d53d1a7aa7New feature: Add support for "RENAME <targetobject/old_attributename> <new_attributename>"test/testh5edit.sh: Unskipped the tests for the new feature. They were implemented before but were skipped to let "make check" to pass. src/parse.y: src/parse.c: Added support of the new syntax for RENAME command. Added both attribute_name_old to hold the old attributename. "attribute_name" holds an attribute name temporary until it is copied to the new or old attribute nam...
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
91f4f3a458cupdated changes section with the added support for Mac systems.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
c9db2fe8955Added a couple more comments for validation requirement numbers.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
ab39576b146Simplified the COPY comand parser code a bit. Added more test cases for the COPY command.Tested: koala
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
34e08d2d12ePortability fixes: 1. SunOS' native tail does not support -n. Changed to use sed to do filtering. 2. "==" is not legal for SunOS' test command. Changed to "=".Tested: jam, koala, linew, ostrich, duck, wren. All passed. Added Mac OS X 10.7.5 and 10.8.2 to the list of supported platforms.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
9c36cf65066The addition of new source module copy_cmd.c should been added to Makefile.am and then Makefile.in is generated by running bin/reconfigure. Just make the change properly and commit them.Tested: Jam.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
71c8e44803eChanged parser to allow for two forms of COPY command.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
9c09e14ac8aA few more tests.This should be all of them except the system failure tests.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
52a2147718bWork on test cases and test script.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
7077f1ceed0Skipping new atomic tests until they're working.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
eb64af8a234Added a couple more atomic tests (currently failing)
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
e818aa58f4bDerived parser files...don't know why these are in the repository.
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
f8ba8fef22cFirst version of COPY implementation, as well as supporting changes toparser and tests.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
d97fc22c8c6Feature: implement incremental atomicity option.Tested: Jam passed by manual inspection of backupfile. Make check is failing and needs update.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
59b8bb6144aNew feature: Added edit command RENAME. This one accepts the syntax of RENAME <object> <old attribute> <new attribute>. It does not accept the combined <object>/<old attribute> yet.test/testfiles/rename-atts12-grrt.edit: test/testfiles/rename-atts12-dset111.edit: test/testfiles/rename-atts12-grrt.ref: test/testfiles/rename-atts12-dset111.ref: test/testh5edit.sh: src/parse.y: src/analyze.c: src/parse.c: src/analyze.l: src/parse.h: src/h5edit.h: Add command parsing for RENAME. src/rename_copy_cmd.c: Add rename_attribute(). src/Makefile.am: src/Makefile.in: Add ...
Joel PlutchakJoel Plutchak
dc364e1d365Output files for "success" tests of COPY and RENAME commands
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
c46fe889d26Changed version information to 1.1.0-beta2.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
92f9ef60e53Changed version information to 1.1.0-beta2.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
a163e11c510Set up targets to do updates if the lex or yacc source files are changed.Tested: Jam, with or without $srcdir.
Albert ChengAlbert Cheng
fec86822459Added the design documenet of RENAME and COPY commands.